Excerpt: The Pursuit of God, The Human Thirst for the Divine, A.W. Tozer

O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need of further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, The Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, that so I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away." Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this misty lowland where I have wondered so long. In Jesus' name. Amen
Excerpt: The Pursuit of God, The Human Thirst for the Divine, A.W. Tozer

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Busy Weekend

I finished the audiobook, Love's Sacred Song, which was about Solomon.  Next on my list is, "By the Waters of Babylon," but when I tried to borrow it, I had reached my quota for the month already!  So I'll have to wait to borrow it in June.

On Thursday I started cleaning out the closets in the corner of the living room.  This closet was full of old records, 45's, 33 1/3's and 78's.  I don't think my kids even know what records are!  I was glad to discover that the closet was meant for coats, so I took my coats hanging on the back of the back room and from my closet in the bedroom and hung them in there!  I also hung mine and Mark's bike coats in there and put our helmets on the shelf, along with Mark's bike bag he takes with him when he rides to work.

We ate our supper on the deck.  I fixed some drumsticks and we ate them with a salad.

Mark is still only working 32 hours, so our weekends begin early!  Friday morning and early afternoon, Mark worked around the woods and in the shed working on 4-wheelers and buggies for Memorial Day Weekend when my sister comes in from Florida and we invite my kids to come so they can visit with their favorite Aunt from my side of the family.

While Mark worked outside, I tackled the other closet.

I could not believe how much mouse poop and how many nests I found hidden in everything!  It was nasty!  No recent activity, however, thank the Lord!  Here's one of the nests I found.  There were actually 2 nests in this one bag!

Until we go through all of the boxes I pulled out, the dining room and kitchen are a mess!

After I got everything out of the closet, I washed all of the shelves, walls, ceiling and floor with Murphy's oil soap using rubber gloves!  It is hard to tell with all of the bubbles, but the water was about the color of the rag!

When Mark finished working, we took a break around 2:00, got on the bike and took a ride to get some lunch at Zaxby's on Peter's Creek and take it to a park to eat.  By the time Mark put air in the tires and we got our drinks ready, it was 2:23 p.m. when we pulled out of the driveway.  What a beautiful day for a ride it was!

The drive through line at Zaxby's was all the way around the building!

The park we went to was only a couple of miles from Zaxby's.

From the park, we went on out Peter's Creek (Rt. 150) to Reedy Creek Tractor Co for some antifreeze for the tractor.  And then we headed home.

We arrived home at 4:12 p.m.  The entire trip was 46.3 miles.  It was an enjoyable ride!

Mark did some more work outside while I worked inside and we ate pork roast that had cooked all day, with some roasted veggies.....asparagus, onions and peppers.  Asher watched us eat on the deck, hoping for a morsel, which he usually gets unless he whines.

Saturday, today, I began filling the closet back up with electronics and photo albums so far.  I'll show you an "after" picture when I finish.

Mark had a couple of friends over today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Dan is a friend of the family.  Mark used to work Dan.  We took Dan to Jenifer's property where she is going to build a house.  They were setting up camp for the night.  The kids were off playing in the creek that runs next to the property.

Meet May, Jenifer's new calf that Adam got her for her birthday.  She is so sweet!

This is Jenifer's horse, Sly.  He was ignoring everyone for the most part.

Jenifer has some nice property!

Mark went through some of the boxes of stuff I pulled out of the closets and we took the trash to his work dumpster and took the records there so the guys at work could look through them.  If they don't want them, we will probably just give them to Goodwill.

I fixed pork chops and gravy and steamed veggies and baked sweet potatoes for supper and then settled in for the evening.  After doing our devotion, I set up the laptop on my lap desk.  Asher decided he needed to be up there, too.  The only place for him was between my legs.

Well, one more online service tomorrow and then Wednesday we will be meeting at the church again!  Hallelujah!!!  I can't wait!  Some of the older folks and those with health issues are not coming yet.  I think the pastor is going to try to record the message for them so he can post it on Facebook.

I'm so thankful no one from our church family came down with the virus!  Thank You, LORD, for your watch care over all of us!

Have a wonderful LORD's day!!!

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