Excerpt: The Pursuit of God, The Human Thirst for the Divine, A.W. Tozer
Monday, August 30, 2021
Month in Review
Sunday, August 29, 2021
God Lurks in the Gaps
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Let's Enjoy Time Together
Mark and I enjoy riding the motorcycle, but the trip is even more enjoyable when we can do it with special friends.
I love this picture I got of all of us before we left Joy and Bobby's house and headed to Mt. Airy for supper at Chili's. Sure, there are Chili's restaurants in our area, but we like to take the back roads, which are scenic and somewhat curvy and through the country. Being on the highway on a motorcycle is not fun! Especially in the summer with the heat coming off of the pavement and the cars and trucks! This saying is so true for us.....It's not about the destination, it's about the journey!
Let's Enjoy Time Together
I did this page for a challenge at Just Art.
Credits list:
Time Together Collection by Simplette
Bella Madelyn Script font
Photo mine
Grandkids make life GRAND!
I remember when Jessica told me somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2000 that I was going to be a grandma. I had just turned 45 and didn't feel old enough to be a grandma! Fast forward to April 2001 when Michael was born. I fell in love with him at first glance! Actually, I began to love him way before he was born! His birth awoke a love in me I didn't know existed! All of a sudden I knew what grandparents meant when they said, "too bad the grandkids don't come first!" How does anything that little grab your heart in such a big way! (Maybe "little" is not the right word to use, however, since this little boy weighed close to 11 lbs! Maybe 10 lb. 11 oz. His momma was big enough at 10 lb. 7 1/2 oz!) But, grab it he did! I decided right then and there that being a grandma was going to be a GRAND thing!
Tim and I have 9 grandchildren and Mark has 8 and one on the way. Plus there are several step grands to add to the mix plus one that has been adopted into the mix! So, I think we can safely say that our quiver runneth over!
Psalm 127:4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are
children of the youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them…..
Grandkids make life GRAND
I did this page for the Big Photo Challenge at Just ART
Credits list:
Junque Journal 02 Collection by Vicki Robinson
Fonts Charmie and Bella Madelyn Script
Photo mine
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon and Happy Birthday!
I did my best to zoom in for "closeup" shots of Jupiter and Saturn. I got a blurry-at-best shot of Jupiter, but Saturn was a no-show. Zooming in so far is shaky at best, even on the tripod! These were taken between 9 and 10:30 p.m. Saturday night.
I believe the tiny light on the left is Jupiter. Of course, the one easy to see is the moon in this first picture.
Genesis 1:14 ¶ And God said, Let there be lights in the
firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon
the earth: and it was so.
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the
lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the
18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from
the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
In other news, THIS girl turned 17 this past Tuesday! Oh, my! Happy Birthday, Hannah Banana! We went to Elisabeth's Saturday evening for supper and cake and ice cream to celebrate! Here are some pictures of Hannah through the years.
2006 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
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2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
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2015 |
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2016 |
2017 |
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2018 |
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2019 |
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2020 |
2021 |
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2021 |
Happy Birthday, sweet girl! I pray you love and follow the LORD all the days of your life! ❤😘
Monday, August 2, 2021
Weekend Trip
We had an unexpected trip to make to Alabama because my son's father-in-law passed away suddenly last week with a heart attack. It is a long trip.....8 hours non-stop. The traffic was bad going and coming back home, but we had a nice time with the family.
We left here at around 2:30 p.m. on Thursday and arrived there around 10:00 p.m. and we lose an hour while traveling there, so it was actually 11 p.m. our time. So, even with the traffic delays, stopping for gas, potty and food, we still made pretty good time! Michael and Jessica are ready for bed by 9, so they were up later than usual waiting on us! We were tired, so we unloaded the car, talked for just a few minutes, and then we all hit the sack!
Friday we went to Cracker Barrel for brunch. Supper was supplied at Jessica's sister, Christina's home. I was still full from brunch, so I did not eat. We went to bed fairly early again.
Saturday we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast with some of the good friends who came in for the funeral. We got back with just enough time to get ready to leave for the funeral. After the funeral we went back to Christina's house for supper.
I was up until almost 12:30, but everyone else went to bed fairly early.
We left Michael and Jessica’s from the church. We left their house at about 8:45 and went through the McDonald’s drive through for a breakfast sandwich. We finished eating in the church parking lot before going in for the early service at 9:00. So, we were on the road a little after 10…..11 our time.
We stopped for gas before we got to I-24 where the traffic started. It rained off and on for the first half an hour or so, but as we reach the 2-hour mark, it looks like we are going into some more rain on I-75. Yes, heavy rain, too, at 1:20 our time……which lasted all of 2 minutes!
We stopped around 1:45 for gas, potty and lunch at Hardees, which was drive-through only, in Sweetwater, TN.
We hit a delay right before the NC border due to an accident at about 3:28. Crossed into NC at 3:30. Finally, at 3:48 we began moving again…..after seeing that the accident was on the other side of the road, for Pete’s sake!!! Why was our lane delayed? Rubbernecks! It was a bad accident that had the traffic backed up for miles! I just pray no one was hurt!
Ten minutes later, we are still seeing traffic at a standstill on the other side!
We stopped at a rest stop for the potty and Mark ate his sandwich. Ten minutes later, the backup was caught up. But there were more cars coming up the hill.
Another tie up past Statesville, so we took 64 in the back way to the house. We stopped at Taco Bell for supper for Mark and went to his daughter’s house, Jenifer, to take care of the animals before going home. We arrived home around 7:30 p.m.
It was a good trip, even if it was not for good reasons. Please pray for the Stewart family as they deal with their grief. Please pray for my son, Michael, too, an unspoken prayer request. Thank you so much!