Happy St. Patty's Day! I don't believe in luck, but if I did, today would have been a lucky day for me! I got an e-mail from "my" Mega Thrift store up the street letting me know that they were celebrating St. Patrick's Day with 75% off on Green tagged items! WOOHOO! Let's go! Every week they feature a different colored tag at 50% off. I visit the store every week and I only buy the items with the 50% off tags. I've had my eyes on some of the culottes there and today I was able to get two pair with green tags! That makes three pair now that I can take to FL with us next week! WOOHOO! I also found 3 tops that will be very versatile because I will be able to wear them with several things. And I also found 2 skirts and a patriotic T-shirt that I will be able to wear with any of the culottes I have! So, I got 8 pieces today for $12! That is $0.75 per piece, if I did the math right in my head, LOL! And, two of the items I bought still had the original price tags on them! Thank You, Lord, for your Irish Blessings today!
And, speaking of Irish Blessings, that is the name of the kit I used for today's page. Designer is Maddy Fernandez and you can find the kit
I love shopping at thrift stores. I am totally bummed that the one I always visited closed and for no apparent reason. We're looking now for an alternate one to patronize regularly. It is on our list of things to do now that Lisa is here and summer is coming (wishful thinking or faith - not sure which). :)
BTW, I loved the history of Forsyth Co.'s name. I'm a big history buff as is my hubby. We are happy anywhere we go as a result of always being able to find historical and genealogical societies to visit.
I'll email you privately about some genealogy ideas. There are several free resources available.
Thanks, karabeth!
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