Today was errand day. We first visited the couple who came forward to join the church yesterday to find out about their church history as far as baptism goes. It was while we were on the way to their house that we saw the horses with coats on! There were probably 6 horses in this field at the corner of their road that were wearing coats! Then, as we rounded the corner, across the street were the neighbor's horses who had to bear the cold WITHOUT coats! Poor babies! Tim and I agreed that this was a first for us to see....horses with coats on! We wondered if they were race horses or what was so different about them that they were afforded the luxury of being able to wear a coat when other horses had to rough it!
Anyway, we then went to our oldest church member's house (97 yrs) who doesn't get out much anymore. We talked about ice houses and ice boxes that he experienced growing up. He is very interesting to talk to. He has shown us all of the genealogical information he has gathered over the years with the help of friends and family. I think he has finally shown us everything he has because he didn't offer anything new today. But nothing is in any kind of order so that you can tie one person to another, so I don't know how much good it would/is doing anyone.............
It was soooo cold here today too! I hated to even leave the house and that is saying something! Chili's sounds good as the only thing the cafe had today was a bacon and toast sandwich! It was good but not chilis!! Oh, and Terry said he has seen horse coats before....of course he has! He has seen everything...typical man! :) Love you today!
Never seen horses in coats except in the movies!
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